Sunday, August 30, 2009


We've been discussing perspective in class and here are a few websites that discuss this topic (hat tip to Professor Jones):

Also, I've added a PowerPoint about perspective that can be downloaded from this blog. Take a look at the PowerPoint "heading" on the left side of this page. I will continue adding materials that you can review as we continue in class this semester.

See you tomorrow morning.


  1. Hey everyone! I missed class today, big bummer! I am so worried I missed out on a lot. Can someone just outline what we went over, then what we drew. Maybe I will not worry as much if I practice what we went over. I went through the composition slide maybe that will help too! Well thank you and hope to see you all on Wednesday!

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  3. Trust your eyes and not your brain when drawing perspective. Here are some tricks (maybe tips or techniques is more accurate) I use when the going gets tough. Stick your pencil or brush out in front of you and trace the edges of the object. Get a feel for those angles and let muscle memory help you transfer those same angles to paper or canvas. I try to look at the still life or reference at least three times as long as the paper or canvas. I also try not to take my eyes off the still life unless I lose my place on the paper. Sit up straight and keep that whole arm drawing not just the wrist.
